Yesterday I attended the first call of Success University and if you couldn’t get on this call or if you haven’t heard of this site you really are missing the most informational site for business training and getting into the right mindset for your running business or your home business you are going to start.
There was a speaker on the tele-seminar called Gary Coxe; I tell you this was one of the best calls in weeks I have attended.
He has talked about principles that create a never-give-up attitude and how to stay consistent which will create sales and profitability in your business. He has talked about the mental vertical, to know what your instruments are for your business, to know your goals, master the mind game, principals of success, and many more. I tell you this tele- seminar was loaded with valuable information you don’t hear every day and the best of all it was Free for all members of Success University.
For this kind of information you have to pay a lot of money somewhere else. You know over the last weeks I have experienced that you need to be connected with mentors like him in order to get to the next level or when you start up your home business that you can start up from the beginning with the right tools and the goals you need in order to achieve something and I’m not talking about the ordinary achievement, no… I’m talking to get big and to think big.
Don’t think like a mediocre home business owner, no… think big from the start and you’ll see you will achieve it. To achieve success in your home business you have to learn how think millionaires and billionaires and most of all you have to be motivated all the time. There is no rest you have to move all the time, there is a saying:”Things that move want to keep moving,” (the law of inertia or state of following); that’s why you have to keep moving it doesn’t matter how fast or slow you move just keep moving. If you have to switch the gears switch it but never stop. That means you have to be in constant improvement of yourself (education, information), your product and service. Improve your service to your customer and ask yourself how I can improve the relationship to my customers.
Don’t let others get stuff in your head that stops you moving.
Don’t blame others for your errors or failures always acknowledge your changes.
Instead change your thoughts and you will change your results for better. But you only can change thought you first acknowledge to track later on if that thought was the one that changed the result.
To achieve success as a home business owner or an entrepreneur you have to know what your instruments are, what your goals are. Have you ever seen a good mechanic who doesn’t know his instruments? How can a mechanic calibrate his instruments without knowing them? The same way happens with a home business owner or an entrepreneur he has to know his instruments than he is able to calibrate them.
The same happen with goals you have to know your goals in order to make them happen and when you act upon it you get a result and when you change the way of thinking you even get more and better results.
But also remember to achieve something you have to give up something.
When you will lose weight you have to give up your chunk-food eating or your negative thinking or laziness.
When starting a home business you have to give up your employee-thinking.
Only when you keep to these principles you will achieve what you have dreamed of and the goals you have set for your home business.
To your home business success
Talk to you soon
Anton Winkler
If you like to get more involved how to think big read the book from Donald Trump & Bill Zanker.