Dear Reader and Friend
I don’t know about you, but this time of year always gets me in a mood and kind of state to think and reflect about the year which is almost going to come to an end.
But don’t get me wrong…it has nothing to do with the religious festivities because when I look deep inside of me I have to admit that I actually dislike these days in a believers way of thinking.
You know in my opinion everything is too much focused in a commercial way which has nothing to do with the spirit of this season.
But Anton, what are you talking about, what are you worried about…you are in the internet business, you are a marketer…you should like this season where everyone is spending the hard earned money he/her receives for his/her hard work whole year long.
Yes, and No…in one way I like it, but on the other side I think how much work and effort and sweating and struggle you have the whole year to spend most of it within a few days or even a few hours and come into the New Year with the same empty hands you were starting the year that is coming to an end.
You know it makes me sad when I look to all the people who are shopping and worrying what to buy for her or his better half or kids or parents or friends what ever the case will be and see how they open their purse to look if they can effort to buy what they have in mind and what they like, don’t you think so?
Imagine all those people might have a dream to live some day financially free and have their own business but maybe they don’t know how to get along with it or maybe they have no clue how to start with it because no one have explained what to do and how to start. And by the way there is so much crap out there and they might have lost their enthusiasm they have had when they gave their first try to start their own business.
I know how it feels because I’ve gone through this stage. Especially when they offer and promise you that you can earn money within a few days or even hours and you buy it and start with it and after one month you find out that you are still on the same spot only with a little bit less money. You get so upset and angry and you get back to the internet and read more lies and promises and you fall into the trap again.
This happens month after month and after one year you haven’t gone everywhere and you find out that you are still at the same place and only walking in circles but you haven’t moved one inch in your journey.
This can be self-eating you and you don’t know what to do because you don’t know how to select the crap from the seed and you have nobody who tells you how to start and give you precise information. I have bought a lot of stuff and nobody really cares if you can go through the information and most of all if you understand it and can follow the instructions. You’ll be left most of the time on your own and without any help.
But in the meantime you wake up in the morning and make the commute to your work you hate, and your boss you can’t stand and the days you have to work when you like to be with your spouse or your kids. Or you have made plans for the weekend but instead you have to cancel them for the good of the company you work for. Isn’t that frustrating?
But imagine you wake up in the morning and have the privilege to decide whether to get up your back or just turn around and have another nap, wouldn’t that be great? I bet it would.
You know after I got fed-up with all that crap they offered me I found by accident another offer for a business opportunity and I told to myself this is another hype and lie but to my surprise when I start reading the sales page I got so fascinated about what that guy was offering. I read the whole sales page very carefully and word by word and when I got to the end of the page I was convinced that this is the opportunity of my life and I signed up for the purchase.
When I received my confirmation mail with the promise that within 24 hours my website will be set up and running through the internet jungle I was still a bit skeptic and I wondered if this will be true. I tell you the hours were endless and it seems that the 24 hours turned into days, but the next day I got the message that the site is almost ready. A few hours later I got another message that the site is ready.
I got so excited that finally I found someone who keeps his promises. The moment the site was ready and I got my passwords I went through the site and picked up the training section with the 30-day-course and paged through the course I got more excited and I felt like a schoolboy with his first class or first day at school.
And I read the words from that guy don’t get overwhelmed stay tuned and calm. You know the best way to get calmed is to close your computer and walk a few minutes that’s what I precisely did, I tried to calm down walking a few minutes and shut off everything related to business.
Afterwards I started again and got deeper inside the course and I tell you my first thought were that this finally is the right thing I was all those months looking for.
You know when you are sure to make the uncertain leap into self-employment and you like to get rid of your present situation and start with your own business because you don’t like your actual environment or you hate your job and the obligation to start every morning at the same hours and commute to your work through nasty morning traffic I advice you to think seriously of your own business you can manage from home and without the morning-jams and evening traffic back home.
It is frustrating when driving in your car and you feel that you are not moving forward and thinking only the time when you get home. But you always get the picture in your mind that the next day will be the same and the next week the same and the same again and again. Sitting in your car you visualize yourself being with the kids but nope there is no hope because of your job and the traffic you are stuck in.
And when you get home you see them all the time asleep and the same in the morning, I don’t know about you but this situation scared me always so much that I couldn’t stand only thinking of it.
If you are in this situation and you really carry the thought of having your own business it is very important to ask yourself a few questions before you make the step of leaving your secure work environment.
You must look at a home business ownership from every angle and side with your eyes wide open.
Ask yourself the following question and answer it openly y honestly:
If you do than an own home business might not be the right answer for you.
* But if you feel that sitting on your own desk all by yourself makes you happy; talking only to your customers and take care for your own business, then you could be a candidate for an own entrepreneurship and you also might have the guts to succeed.
Let’s face the truth, an own business from home is having your office without a lot of fellows or companions around. It’s only about you because you are your own boss and you alone have to make the decisions for failure or success of your home business.
You also need to have the ability to push yourself ahead for your success with other words you need self-motivation. And believe me the self-motivation comes the moment you celebrate your first sale.
To your online success
Talk to you soon.
Anton Winkler
P.S. Don’t be scared take a look and see for yourself. Close the door and get you a drink and enjoy reading and please, read word by word until the end of the sales page. Than think over it and if necessary read again. I bet you’ll be convinced as I was time back. Go to this site and convince yourself. If you have afterwards any questions what-so-ever, leave me a comment and I will come back to you. Anyhow I’m only an email away from you. Take care and enjoy, but take action if you are seriously about your business ownership.