Saturday, December 29, 2007

What Holds You Back To Start Your Own Home Business?

Dear Reader and Friend

You know this time of year you got a lot of time where you can relax and reflect about the year that is coming to an end and a new year is almost waiting outside to door. The commerce is slowing down, everyone has spend a lot of money and the people shovel the rest of their hard earned money to buy their chicken or turkey for the end-of-the-year-dinner.

Sometimes it feels strange that beside of this high consuming society there are still so many people around the globe who sparely have money to spend. When I say spend I mean the money last within many families only for the consumption of food, cloth, the rent and sometimes a little bit extra for their children. Isn’t that sad…unfortunately a great part of this global population live in warmer zones of the globe and they don’t have to care about heating expenses, warm cloth because with what they have they can manage to live the whole year around.

Imagine this people have the opportunity even if it is only one member per family, to start their own home based business, wouldn’t that be great…that they can pick up even so a small part of the big pay that is laying around and ready to cut off a small piece.

I’m damn sure that there are many people out there who can take advantage of the opportunity to run their own business, because the internet made it possible, the internet is the only place where you can open your own business without spending real money, if you have no money you just have to spend your time. If you are without a decent job or decent income you have a great asset and this asset is your time, don’t forget that, you know the saying: “Time is money,” so why don’t you take this asset and carry it to your bank account within a few days from now.

You only have to catch the opportunity and start your own business…I mean you have to take action, without action you won’t get nowhere in this present world. If you are convinced that you can run your own online business from home so don’t wait…don’t procrastinate and go ahead and do the most important step in your life…ACTION.

You know I met so many people on my travel and I talked to so many people around the globe and I tell you this, most of them like to kick their boss in the back and say goodbye, but the only thing that holds them back is procrastination, yes, you heard it correctly I say it again…procrastination. You know it’s a pity that so many people with great value and courage do not have the guts to step forward just one step it doesn’t take more to start walking their journey to wealth and success.

Are you one of them, are you content with the little you have or are you the one who likes to fight for something better for you and your beloved family, I guess you are; and this is what I like the most of you; you are a fighter and you don’t give up and you know that you can have success in your life, you just have to try it.

You know this is what I like most with the internet you can run your business from home or even on vacation it takes only a few hours a day. You can spend more time with your spouse and your family because you have them only a door-step away.

You know, yesterday I read a mail from my brother and he told me: “Anton this coming year is our year, we have already booked a nice house near a lake where we will spend our holidays and I’ll take my computer with me and I’ll dedicate a few hours a day to my business and the rest of the day I will fish and relax and enjoy my vacation. The best thing is during vacation I’m not worried because the money will flow in.”

Wouldn’t that be great if you can do the same with your business? So, why don’t you start as I told you before it only takes one step to get out of procrastination.

If you are not sure what business you want to start with take a look to a site I highly recommend you because they do almost everything for you, they set up your site, they give you a full 30 day training and I tell you this is the best training I’ve ever seen.

They explain you step by step what to do and how to do it and if you stick word for word with it you can’t fail.

And I tell you if you have no money and you invest in that business your most valuable asset…YOUR TIME…I tell you that you can not fail it’s impossible…the only thing it takes action and persistence that’s all and I guaranty you that you are on your way to success.

To your online success

Talk to you soon

Anton Winkler

Friday, December 28, 2007


Dear reader and friend

I like to give you some news I found recently from Small Business News. Enjoy it and have a nice day.

A free tool used to block all advertisements while using Mozilla’s Firefox Browser has been released and making some people angry. Creator of Adblock Plus, Wladimir Palant specifically states it is only available for Firefox, and doesn’t plan to create an Adblock for Internet Explorer. For more details of Adblock Plus, keep watching SmallBusinessNewz

How-To Develop A Successful Marketing Network Ezine

Dear Reader and Friend

If you are involved with an own business and I think it doesn’t matter if offline or online business you have to think about how to market your business. I think one of the most effective marketing tools on the internet today is the ezine. The ezine is also known as an email magazine or electronic newsletter that is only available through email and or a website.

I think there are more than hundreds of thousands of ezines on almost every subjects and niche available on the internet and the best of all it’s free to the public. The start of a marketing network ezine is one of the best methods to build your opt-in list of potential clients for a particular service and product. An ezine is also an exciting way for you to express your creativity and enthusiasm for your marketing network product or service that you will offer to the public. One of the main reasons your ezine is viewed with enthusiasm is that the subscriber base are opt-in members. That means that a customer that a marketing business owner sends his ezine to has asked to become a subscriber to the network-publication.

The following points will show you the best methods to develop a real successful internet marketing ezine:

1) The first point I would suggest is to develop an ezine that is focused to specific niches and subjects. When people write they often include way too much information in their mail or ezine. On top of that don’t try to include too many marketing topics in your ezine. In that case it is much better to spread out the different topics or subjects to following issues of your ezine.

2) The second point shows the development of an important statement in the internet marketing ezine’s headline. Most of the time your emails are not read because they does not point out important news in comparison with other mails in your potential clients inbox.

3) The third point for a successful marketing network ezine campaign is to continually offer incentives such as gifts, free reports or valuable tips for your customer and change the ezine’s content for your good clients. Write your ezine with enthusiasm to keep them wanting to read your specific marketing ezine.

There are a lot of different tutorials on the internet that all go through the actual steps of building a strong marketing network ezine. In order to reach out to your subscribers you need to start sending your own ezine over your auto responder or send a broadcast message. The important thing is not to overwhelm your subscribers with messages and offers, because it might come a moment that they unsubscribe to your service because they are filled up with information or they might delete the messages without reading them.

The main reason people subscribe to an ezine or newsletter is because they show an interest in its subject.

Another way for an interesting marketing network ezine is build up through advertising.
Magazines are made popular through their special and creative ads, and content and therefore magazine publishers gain profit.

Naturally, if you register with the popular search engines you also will increase and generate more traffic to your marketing network ezine. Most people don’t realize that advertising in paper magazines and even newspaper is an alternative to help create a successful marketing network ezine especially if you direct it correctly to your ezine.

You always should remember that maintaining a successful marketing network ezine is one of the most important methods for advertising your business on the internet.

Another way for a successful marketing network ezine is to post short articles on marketing topics. All these methods will provide to your reader with valuable information he might need for his business success. There are thousands of newbies starting every day with their own home business but without any idea how to market their business effectively. Therefore it is very important for the runners of businesses to provide as much information to help other people to start up their business.

Ezines are the most effective method to provide valuable information to the general public or any person with an interest for a particular subject or niche.

To your online success

Talk to you soon

Anton Winkler

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Do you need to Advertise your Business?

Dear Reader and Friend

Today I like to ask you a question that is very important if you care for your business future: “have you ever tried to run your own business it doesn’t matter if online or offline”? What is or was your result? Have you made any money out of it? If not, are you consistent enough to keep going with your business or you are a character who give up easily? Are you very easy to persuade about making money fast on the internet? If so have you ever seen an offline business which grows fast?

If you brainwash yourself you will notice that there is no concept of growing fast or within a few weeks to make a ton of money… Unless…

First, the only way to make a ton of money fast is to promote a super product which really offers an opportunity for a niche with tons of super and I say super hungry people…they are dying of hunger and eager to know about your product or service you offer…have you that product?

The second way is you have tons of money available to offer your product with advertising and I mean advertising…you send thousands and millions of ads all over the network and also advertise offline…but unfortunately this only can be achieved with tons of money…have you got that kind of money?

When you are a newbie in the online business you might, as me, not have the ways of spending money so you have to find a way to get your words out to the WORLD, I know it is not easy. The same happens when you for example have an offline business, you have your shop in a street of your town or even worse because of lack of money you have your business at home, you have to save the rent because you haven’t made any sales yet.

Imagine what is the easiest way to spread out the words to as many people as possible to know of your existence...?that’s right through business cards or pamphlets, you distribute to as many locations in your town with the consent of the owner of course and you tell them what are you offer or sell.

A few business cards are very inexpensive to make and put all the information on it with your phone no. and street address and so on. You can also go to book libraries and ask the administrator if he allows you to stick a pamphlet at the entrance or where ever it gets the most attention for visitors.

You also might go to expositions or shows and distribute your cards to as many people as possible asking them before, if they have an interest in what you are selling or offering if it is a service or something else, and then you hand them your business card.

Okay, it still might not deliver money right away to your door, but you have made a start at least you are a lot better than other people who start a business and do nothing, don’t move a finger they just relax and think the money will come all by itself…dead wrong, a business doesn’t work like that. You know from NOTHING comes nothing. You have to work at the beginning like hell more than you were working as an employee I can guarantee you that.

There is a famous quote by media mogul, Ted Turner: “Early to bed, early to rise… Work like Hell, and Advertise.”

I think this gives you a little bit of imagination about starting a business. Don’t believe al those lies which are everywhere… there is no way to get fast money without doing nothing…there isn’t. Don’t believe that crap out there, they spread the words of earning easy money to get rich by them, but understand that you won’t get rich with that concept. Get that in your head… You have to work.

You know as a child I had the imagination that in a country with nice climate, warm temperature and the whole year sunshine and rain, like in Mexico, you only stretch your hands out and pick up a fruit and that’s it and the population have not to work they have all year around everything without doing nothing. But later on when growing up I saw what a hell of work has to be done to harvest all the fruits and vegetables and so on and sell them as fast as possible that the product does not putrefy.

Yeah, life is not that easy and you should have noticed it yet by now. You have to work and you have to advertise. The same would be you walk in your local streets and see a business where you see nothing, no sign, no merchandize, no words of what they are selling or offering, do you think they will sell? You know there is a saying: “A Business without a sign is a sign of no Business.” I tell you this is dead true.

If you don’t have any idea of how to advertise without any money in your budget, the best thing is write article, write blogs etc. this is the cheapest way of advertising and get the words out in the network. If you like to advertise without any budget then you have to use your most valued asset… Your Time!

To your online success,

Talk to you soon

Anton Winkler

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The Secret of A Breakthrough Technology

Dear Reader and Friend

In this fast-changing time you have to update and read constantly new information. The opportunities are knocking only one time on your door.

Today I came across a new breakthrough technology which will certainly revolutionize the internet marketing. What would you say if you would earn money from every visitor who stops by on your site? That would be amazing…wouldn’t it?

What is all about this new technology…frankly it is not completely new because it is running for about almost two and a half years. But the new thing is that they are looking for more web-owners to get involved with that technology…so, what does that mean. That means this new technology will in a great way make a huge competition for the TV-advertising and if you ask me I only tell you that this will be the next revolution on the internet without any doubt. But I have heard that they won’t have their door open for a long time. So, everyone who wants to take part or get involved with that new technology has to hurry up, because they are right now in pre-launch and the opportunity of taking action is now…not tomorrow…now. They will close the door of opportunity very soon and if you not jump now you’ll pass the train and all the earning opportunities are gone for ever.

Let me ask you, do you like it when watching your favorite show or program on Television that every almost three minutes you get interrupted with ads and most of the time when you are very excited of what is going to follow…and whoop…ads; and this is going on over the whole time of the program or show you are watching. I only can tell you that I really hate it and I change every time the channel with the remote control…thanks to the guy who invented the “remote control.”

You may ask me what has the TV to do with the internet…here it comes. I tell you this new technology will have a great impact on TV-advertisement and if you are clever…you will get now a small piece of that big cake they prepare right now and I only can tell you “don’t wait until they close the bakery.” You can as a website-owner subscribe to that new technology for FREE…yes; you heard it right…for FREE.

So, why wouldn’t you take this opportunity to sign up now, go to this site and convince yourself you will not regret it, especially if you are a newbie and you have your own site but you are still struggling with getting visitors to your site, this will be the opportunity for you?

You know when an opportunity like this knocks on your door, it knocks only one time if you pass the moment to open the door you’ll never know if an opportunity like that gets back again. Maybe never!

To your online success,

Talk to you soon

Anton Winkler