When looking back at the time I was young, what was the real thinking regarding a job. You have to get a job you like and you work in that job until you retire. When you retire you live from your money you get because you have paid for your whole working life.
But do you think that this assumption is still valid in today’s society where everything is changing so fast and the big companies or corporations swallow the small good running companies and lots of working souls in the small businesses lose their jobs from one day to the other and can’t anything do about it. The restructuring starts with the working people and not with the CEO’s, no they stay in their job or get another one even with better payment, but the lower people like you and me they get laid off.
The paradigm of our culture and economic picture we have been brainwashed all our lives and through our school years and still sold to us, turn out to be erroneous and the assumptions we still believe are false.
If you don’t understand the process of these things and the change we are facing in today’s economical structure you never going to experience the good things entrepreneurial business or mindset can give you. It is my contention that we are sold and brainwashed with a paradigm and a way of seeing the world that doesn’t exist or that doesn’t work anymore.
The way that our parents told us: “go, get a job and the benefits and stay there for the rest of your working life” doesn’t exist anymore. This is a complete false thinking because nowadays many companies don’t exist that long. That’s why we have to think differently and adapt ourselves to this new form of the today’s economy.
Our parents who still live with that assumption and the school teachers who still sell you and brainwash you with that assumption, because of the system they believe in and what they getting told to teach you and the system which needs still labor force believing in that old fashioned thinking.
There is still the myth and believe that you need a $200,000 investment or a ton of money to start your own business in order to grow with it, it’s long gone. In the internet era all these assumptions are false. The internet has given you the opportunity to start your own business with almost nothing or no money. In case you have no money or only little money but want to be successful and fast, you can invest your time instead. With that time investment you can grow with your business to a level you never have dreamed of. The only limits of your growth are those of your vision and dreams.
If you dream big you will achieve great things and if your dream is of small things you will achieve small things. The growing of your business depends only of the big horizon of your vision.
The world has changed a lot but even though the world has changed it’s still a challenge for many people to go out of their own even they think that they have to do it and they the strong desire to be an entrepreneur. The challenge without any doubt is big because you will run in so many obstacles the society and even government will create for you. The society doesn’t want you to have your own business and think of that revolutionizing idea of being an entrepreneur.
They want you to think the old fashioned way that only the existing companies and corporations can provide you with the benefits and everything you need for your whole life and retirement. They want to control your life and your habits as much as possible. That’s why being an entrepreneur is still a challenge for everyone who is thinking of being independent. This is also one of the reasons why many starters and newbie’s fail because they get to easy scared of all the obstacles they get confronted with. That’s one of the reasons why you need a strong desire and passion to start your own business.
To your online success
Talk to you soon