Monday, December 31, 2007

As An Online Business Owner Can You Succeed Without Marketing?

Dear Reader and Friend

You started your own online business or you just ready to start your home business, everything is set, you have your own website, you have your own products, or you are an affiliate and sell other’s products that’s all right. You are in business now or you pretend to and it cost you a lot of your time to get to this point. But now what you are going to do what is your next step?

You like to sell…that’s right you like to sell so are millions of online businesses who like to sell but how do you sell your products, how do you get visitors to your site, how you attract people for your products and site if there are millions of other people doing the same…have you ever thought of that when you picked up the idea of an home based business.

You know there is a phrase or very old saying: “When all things are equal or when everything is the same, the difference is me.”

Have you ever considered or thought of when starting your home business, what is the reason of your home based business, why do you like to start a home based business…besides of making money for your lifestyle and family.

With that thinking you won’t attract any visitors to your home business…have you ever thought what are the life’s basic principals? Yes, why should someone visit your site…the only viable answer is your visitor is looking for a need…he is looking for help…help to make his life better, to earn money, the need for a better lifestyle, there are so many reasons. Every human is a creature of need and as you can imagine these needs are constant. This is the functionality of the human race; no one can exist without his needs being fulfilled.

What is your basic need…Air, that’s right you can’t live without air and fortunately this is still a medium for free.

What is your next need…Water, yes, water is a basic need and here we start water isn’t free you have to pay for it, if it is in a bottle or at your home you have to pay for your water supply. Unless you live near a lake in the deepest part of a country without any contamination you might still drink free water, who knows.

But as a civilized human being you live in a city or village and in a house, you have to pay for that need because it’s supplied to your home.

But with air and water you can not survive you need food…food is another need for your existing, just try to stay 1 or 2 days without food and you will experience the need of that basic element.

The next one is clothing you live in a society so you have to be dressed properly or not that depends on your personal appearance, but you have to cover your body at least in some way and this all this will cost you, but not as frequently as food…

You may ask me now, but what does that all have to do with my home business?

Now, let’s go back to your home based business; you try to start a home based business and you think you have something to offer that other people need to have for a more comfortable life, to live healthier, with other words to make their life easier. On the other hand you like to earn money. But in order to accomplish that, you have to market what you are offering and with your marketing you have to convince the people in your local area or all over the globe that they will need what you offer and that they live more comfortably with what you sell.

Your next step will be to get that wheel running and there are different ways to achieve that, some ways will cost you and some ways to walk will be Free. Some will get you faster to your visitor and some will get you slower to your visitor.

You know it is like driving a car, you can choose a toll-way which gets you faster to your destination or you can choose a cheaper way with lots of more traffic and it will take you more time to reach your destination. At the end both ways lead to your destination it only depends on how much time you dispose to reach your destination.

The same is with marketing, there are free ways which cost you only your time and there are paid ones that get you faster to more visitors. The internet is like a great stream of many crowded ways where millions of people hustle on it and you can imagine their hustle more on the Free-ways of the internet than on the Paid-ways.

Now make your decision to select the one that suits you more and that won’t affect your budget in a way that you cannot grow your business.

To your online success

Talk to you soon

Anton Winkler

Saturday, December 29, 2007

What Holds You Back To Start Your Own Home Business?

Dear Reader and Friend

You know this time of year you got a lot of time where you can relax and reflect about the year that is coming to an end and a new year is almost waiting outside to door. The commerce is slowing down, everyone has spend a lot of money and the people shovel the rest of their hard earned money to buy their chicken or turkey for the end-of-the-year-dinner.

Sometimes it feels strange that beside of this high consuming society there are still so many people around the globe who sparely have money to spend. When I say spend I mean the money last within many families only for the consumption of food, cloth, the rent and sometimes a little bit extra for their children. Isn’t that sad…unfortunately a great part of this global population live in warmer zones of the globe and they don’t have to care about heating expenses, warm cloth because with what they have they can manage to live the whole year around.

Imagine this people have the opportunity even if it is only one member per family, to start their own home based business, wouldn’t that be great…that they can pick up even so a small part of the big pay that is laying around and ready to cut off a small piece.

I’m damn sure that there are many people out there who can take advantage of the opportunity to run their own business, because the internet made it possible, the internet is the only place where you can open your own business without spending real money, if you have no money you just have to spend your time. If you are without a decent job or decent income you have a great asset and this asset is your time, don’t forget that, you know the saying: “Time is money,” so why don’t you take this asset and carry it to your bank account within a few days from now.

You only have to catch the opportunity and start your own business…I mean you have to take action, without action you won’t get nowhere in this present world. If you are convinced that you can run your own online business from home so don’t wait…don’t procrastinate and go ahead and do the most important step in your life…ACTION.

You know I met so many people on my travel and I talked to so many people around the globe and I tell you this, most of them like to kick their boss in the back and say goodbye, but the only thing that holds them back is procrastination, yes, you heard it correctly I say it again…procrastination. You know it’s a pity that so many people with great value and courage do not have the guts to step forward just one step it doesn’t take more to start walking their journey to wealth and success.

Are you one of them, are you content with the little you have or are you the one who likes to fight for something better for you and your beloved family, I guess you are; and this is what I like the most of you; you are a fighter and you don’t give up and you know that you can have success in your life, you just have to try it.

You know this is what I like most with the internet you can run your business from home or even on vacation it takes only a few hours a day. You can spend more time with your spouse and your family because you have them only a door-step away.

You know, yesterday I read a mail from my brother and he told me: “Anton this coming year is our year, we have already booked a nice house near a lake where we will spend our holidays and I’ll take my computer with me and I’ll dedicate a few hours a day to my business and the rest of the day I will fish and relax and enjoy my vacation. The best thing is during vacation I’m not worried because the money will flow in.”

Wouldn’t that be great if you can do the same with your business? So, why don’t you start as I told you before it only takes one step to get out of procrastination.

If you are not sure what business you want to start with take a look to a site I highly recommend you because they do almost everything for you, they set up your site, they give you a full 30 day training and I tell you this is the best training I’ve ever seen.

They explain you step by step what to do and how to do it and if you stick word for word with it you can’t fail.

And I tell you if you have no money and you invest in that business your most valuable asset…YOUR TIME…I tell you that you can not fail it’s impossible…the only thing it takes action and persistence that’s all and I guaranty you that you are on your way to success.

To your online success

Talk to you soon

Anton Winkler

Friday, December 28, 2007


Dear reader and friend

I like to give you some news I found recently from Small Business News. Enjoy it and have a nice day.

A free tool used to block all advertisements while using Mozilla’s Firefox Browser has been released and making some people angry. Creator of Adblock Plus, Wladimir Palant specifically states it is only available for Firefox, and doesn’t plan to create an Adblock for Internet Explorer. For more details of Adblock Plus, keep watching SmallBusinessNewz

How-To Develop A Successful Marketing Network Ezine

Dear Reader and Friend

If you are involved with an own business and I think it doesn’t matter if offline or online business you have to think about how to market your business. I think one of the most effective marketing tools on the internet today is the ezine. The ezine is also known as an email magazine or electronic newsletter that is only available through email and or a website.

I think there are more than hundreds of thousands of ezines on almost every subjects and niche available on the internet and the best of all it’s free to the public. The start of a marketing network ezine is one of the best methods to build your opt-in list of potential clients for a particular service and product. An ezine is also an exciting way for you to express your creativity and enthusiasm for your marketing network product or service that you will offer to the public. One of the main reasons your ezine is viewed with enthusiasm is that the subscriber base are opt-in members. That means that a customer that a marketing business owner sends his ezine to has asked to become a subscriber to the network-publication.

The following points will show you the best methods to develop a real successful internet marketing ezine:

1) The first point I would suggest is to develop an ezine that is focused to specific niches and subjects. When people write they often include way too much information in their mail or ezine. On top of that don’t try to include too many marketing topics in your ezine. In that case it is much better to spread out the different topics or subjects to following issues of your ezine.

2) The second point shows the development of an important statement in the internet marketing ezine’s headline. Most of the time your emails are not read because they does not point out important news in comparison with other mails in your potential clients inbox.

3) The third point for a successful marketing network ezine campaign is to continually offer incentives such as gifts, free reports or valuable tips for your customer and change the ezine’s content for your good clients. Write your ezine with enthusiasm to keep them wanting to read your specific marketing ezine.

There are a lot of different tutorials on the internet that all go through the actual steps of building a strong marketing network ezine. In order to reach out to your subscribers you need to start sending your own ezine over your auto responder or send a broadcast message. The important thing is not to overwhelm your subscribers with messages and offers, because it might come a moment that they unsubscribe to your service because they are filled up with information or they might delete the messages without reading them.

The main reason people subscribe to an ezine or newsletter is because they show an interest in its subject.

Another way for an interesting marketing network ezine is build up through advertising.
Magazines are made popular through their special and creative ads, and content and therefore magazine publishers gain profit.

Naturally, if you register with the popular search engines you also will increase and generate more traffic to your marketing network ezine. Most people don’t realize that advertising in paper magazines and even newspaper is an alternative to help create a successful marketing network ezine especially if you direct it correctly to your ezine.

You always should remember that maintaining a successful marketing network ezine is one of the most important methods for advertising your business on the internet.

Another way for a successful marketing network ezine is to post short articles on marketing topics. All these methods will provide to your reader with valuable information he might need for his business success. There are thousands of newbies starting every day with their own home business but without any idea how to market their business effectively. Therefore it is very important for the runners of businesses to provide as much information to help other people to start up their business.

Ezines are the most effective method to provide valuable information to the general public or any person with an interest for a particular subject or niche.

To your online success

Talk to you soon

Anton Winkler

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Do you need to Advertise your Business?

Dear Reader and Friend

Today I like to ask you a question that is very important if you care for your business future: “have you ever tried to run your own business it doesn’t matter if online or offline”? What is or was your result? Have you made any money out of it? If not, are you consistent enough to keep going with your business or you are a character who give up easily? Are you very easy to persuade about making money fast on the internet? If so have you ever seen an offline business which grows fast?

If you brainwash yourself you will notice that there is no concept of growing fast or within a few weeks to make a ton of money… Unless…

First, the only way to make a ton of money fast is to promote a super product which really offers an opportunity for a niche with tons of super and I say super hungry people…they are dying of hunger and eager to know about your product or service you offer…have you that product?

The second way is you have tons of money available to offer your product with advertising and I mean advertising…you send thousands and millions of ads all over the network and also advertise offline…but unfortunately this only can be achieved with tons of money…have you got that kind of money?

When you are a newbie in the online business you might, as me, not have the ways of spending money so you have to find a way to get your words out to the WORLD, I know it is not easy. The same happens when you for example have an offline business, you have your shop in a street of your town or even worse because of lack of money you have your business at home, you have to save the rent because you haven’t made any sales yet.

Imagine what is the easiest way to spread out the words to as many people as possible to know of your existence...?that’s right through business cards or pamphlets, you distribute to as many locations in your town with the consent of the owner of course and you tell them what are you offer or sell.

A few business cards are very inexpensive to make and put all the information on it with your phone no. and street address and so on. You can also go to book libraries and ask the administrator if he allows you to stick a pamphlet at the entrance or where ever it gets the most attention for visitors.

You also might go to expositions or shows and distribute your cards to as many people as possible asking them before, if they have an interest in what you are selling or offering if it is a service or something else, and then you hand them your business card.

Okay, it still might not deliver money right away to your door, but you have made a start at least you are a lot better than other people who start a business and do nothing, don’t move a finger they just relax and think the money will come all by itself…dead wrong, a business doesn’t work like that. You know from NOTHING comes nothing. You have to work at the beginning like hell more than you were working as an employee I can guarantee you that.

There is a famous quote by media mogul, Ted Turner: “Early to bed, early to rise… Work like Hell, and Advertise.”

I think this gives you a little bit of imagination about starting a business. Don’t believe al those lies which are everywhere… there is no way to get fast money without doing nothing…there isn’t. Don’t believe that crap out there, they spread the words of earning easy money to get rich by them, but understand that you won’t get rich with that concept. Get that in your head… You have to work.

You know as a child I had the imagination that in a country with nice climate, warm temperature and the whole year sunshine and rain, like in Mexico, you only stretch your hands out and pick up a fruit and that’s it and the population have not to work they have all year around everything without doing nothing. But later on when growing up I saw what a hell of work has to be done to harvest all the fruits and vegetables and so on and sell them as fast as possible that the product does not putrefy.

Yeah, life is not that easy and you should have noticed it yet by now. You have to work and you have to advertise. The same would be you walk in your local streets and see a business where you see nothing, no sign, no merchandize, no words of what they are selling or offering, do you think they will sell? You know there is a saying: “A Business without a sign is a sign of no Business.” I tell you this is dead true.

If you don’t have any idea of how to advertise without any money in your budget, the best thing is write article, write blogs etc. this is the cheapest way of advertising and get the words out in the network. If you like to advertise without any budget then you have to use your most valued asset… Your Time!

To your online success,

Talk to you soon

Anton Winkler

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The Secret of A Breakthrough Technology

Dear Reader and Friend

In this fast-changing time you have to update and read constantly new information. The opportunities are knocking only one time on your door.

Today I came across a new breakthrough technology which will certainly revolutionize the internet marketing. What would you say if you would earn money from every visitor who stops by on your site? That would be amazing…wouldn’t it?

What is all about this new technology…frankly it is not completely new because it is running for about almost two and a half years. But the new thing is that they are looking for more web-owners to get involved with that technology…so, what does that mean. That means this new technology will in a great way make a huge competition for the TV-advertising and if you ask me I only tell you that this will be the next revolution on the internet without any doubt. But I have heard that they won’t have their door open for a long time. So, everyone who wants to take part or get involved with that new technology has to hurry up, because they are right now in pre-launch and the opportunity of taking action is now…not tomorrow…now. They will close the door of opportunity very soon and if you not jump now you’ll pass the train and all the earning opportunities are gone for ever.

Let me ask you, do you like it when watching your favorite show or program on Television that every almost three minutes you get interrupted with ads and most of the time when you are very excited of what is going to follow…and whoop…ads; and this is going on over the whole time of the program or show you are watching. I only can tell you that I really hate it and I change every time the channel with the remote control…thanks to the guy who invented the “remote control.”

You may ask me what has the TV to do with the internet…here it comes. I tell you this new technology will have a great impact on TV-advertisement and if you are clever…you will get now a small piece of that big cake they prepare right now and I only can tell you “don’t wait until they close the bakery.” You can as a website-owner subscribe to that new technology for FREE…yes; you heard it right…for FREE.

So, why wouldn’t you take this opportunity to sign up now, go to this site and convince yourself you will not regret it, especially if you are a newbie and you have your own site but you are still struggling with getting visitors to your site, this will be the opportunity for you?

You know when an opportunity like this knocks on your door, it knocks only one time if you pass the moment to open the door you’ll never know if an opportunity like that gets back again. Maybe never!

To your online success,

Talk to you soon

Anton Winkler

Friday, December 21, 2007

How would you feel when you can spend what you want?

Dear Reader and Friend

I don’t know about you, but this time of year always gets me in a mood and kind of state to think and reflect about the year which is almost going to come to an end.

But don’t get me wrong…it has nothing to do with the religious festivities because when I look deep inside of me I have to admit that I actually dislike these days in a believers way of thinking.

You know in my opinion everything is too much focused in a commercial way which has nothing to do with the spirit of this season.

But Anton, what are you talking about, what are you worried about…you are in the internet business, you are a marketer…you should like this season where everyone is spending the hard earned money he/her receives for his/her hard work whole year long.

Yes, and No…in one way I like it, but on the other side I think how much work and effort and sweating and struggle you have the whole year to spend most of it within a few days or even a few hours and come into the New Year with the same empty hands you were starting the year that is coming to an end.

You know it makes me sad when I look to all the people who are shopping and worrying what to buy for her or his better half or kids or parents or friends what ever the case will be and see how they open their purse to look if they can effort to buy what they have in mind and what they like, don’t you think so?

Imagine all those people might have a dream to live some day financially free and have their own business but maybe they don’t know how to get along with it or maybe they have no clue how to start with it because no one have explained what to do and how to start. And by the way there is so much crap out there and they might have lost their enthusiasm they have had when they gave their first try to start their own business.

I know how it feels because I’ve gone through this stage. Especially when they offer and promise you that you can earn money within a few days or even hours and you buy it and start with it and after one month you find out that you are still on the same spot only with a little bit less money. You get so upset and angry and you get back to the internet and read more lies and promises and you fall into the trap again.

This happens month after month and after one year you haven’t gone everywhere and you find out that you are still at the same place and only walking in circles but you haven’t moved one inch in your journey.

This can be self-eating you and you don’t know what to do because you don’t know how to select the crap from the seed and you have nobody who tells you how to start and give you precise information. I have bought a lot of stuff and nobody really cares if you can go through the information and most of all if you understand it and can follow the instructions. You’ll be left most of the time on your own and without any help.

But in the meantime you wake up in the morning and make the commute to your work you hate, and your boss you can’t stand and the days you have to work when you like to be with your spouse or your kids. Or you have made plans for the weekend but instead you have to cancel them for the good of the company you work for. Isn’t that frustrating?

But imagine you wake up in the morning and have the privilege to decide whether to get up your back or just turn around and have another nap, wouldn’t that be great? I bet it would.

You know after I got fed-up with all that crap they offered me I found by accident another offer for a business opportunity and I told to myself this is another hype and lie but to my surprise when I start reading the sales page I got so fascinated about what that guy was offering. I read the whole sales page very carefully and word by word and when I got to the end of the page I was convinced that this is the opportunity of my life and I signed up for the purchase.

When I received my confirmation mail with the promise that within 24 hours my website will be set up and running through the internet jungle I was still a bit skeptic and I wondered if this will be true. I tell you the hours were endless and it seems that the 24 hours turned into days, but the next day I got the message that the site is almost ready. A few hours later I got another message that the site is ready.

I got so excited that finally I found someone who keeps his promises. The moment the site was ready and I got my passwords I went through the site and picked up the training section with the 30-day-course and paged through the course I got more excited and I felt like a schoolboy with his first class or first day at school.

And I read the words from that guy don’t get overwhelmed stay tuned and calm. You know the best way to get calmed is to close your computer and walk a few minutes that’s what I precisely did, I tried to calm down walking a few minutes and shut off everything related to business.

Afterwards I started again and got deeper inside the course and I tell you my first thought were that this finally is the right thing I was all those months looking for.

You know when you are sure to make the uncertain leap into self-employment and you like to get rid of your present situation and start with your own business because you don’t like your actual environment or you hate your job and the obligation to start every morning at the same hours and commute to your work through nasty morning traffic I advice you to think seriously of your own business you can manage from home and without the morning-jams and evening traffic back home.

It is frustrating when driving in your car and you feel that you are not moving forward and thinking only the time when you get home. But you always get the picture in your mind that the next day will be the same and the next week the same and the same again and again. Sitting in your car you visualize yourself being with the kids but nope there is no hope because of your job and the traffic you are stuck in.

And when you get home you see them all the time asleep and the same in the morning, I don’t know about you but this situation scared me always so much that I couldn’t stand only thinking of it.

If you are in this situation and you really carry the thought of having your own business it is very important to ask yourself a few questions before you make the step of leaving your secure work environment.

You must look at a home business ownership from every angle and side with your eyes wide open.

Ask yourself the following question and answer it openly y honestly:

· Are you the type of person who enjoys every moment being surrounded with lots of people to communicate with?

If you do than an own home business might not be the right answer for you.

* But if you feel that sitting on your own desk all by yourself makes you happy; talking only to your customers and take care for your own business, then you could be a candidate for an own entrepreneurship and you also might have the guts to succeed.

Let’s face the truth, an own business from home is having your office without a lot of fellows or companions around. It’s only about you because you are your own boss and you alone have to make the decisions for failure or success of your home business.

You also need to have the ability to push yourself ahead for your success with other words you need self-motivation. And believe me the self-motivation comes the moment you celebrate your first sale.

To your online success

Talk to you soon.

Anton Winkler

P.S. Don’t be scared take a look and see for yourself. Close the door and get you a drink and enjoy reading and please, read word by word until the end of the sales page. Than think over it and if necessary read again. I bet you’ll be convinced as I was time back. Go to this site and convince yourself. If you have afterwards any questions what-so-ever, leave me a comment and I will come back to you. Anyhow I’m only an email away from you. Take care and enjoy, but take action if you are seriously about your business ownership.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Secrets of a Successful Entrepreneur


Dear Reader and Friend

When looking back at the time I was young, what was the real thinking regarding a job. You have to get a job you like and you work in that job until you retire. When you retire you live from your money you get because you have paid for your whole working life.

But do you think that this assumption is still valid in today’s society where everything is changing so fast and the big companies or corporations swallow the small good running companies and lots of working souls in the small businesses lose their jobs from one day to the other and can’t anything do about it. The restructuring starts with the working people and not with the CEO’s, no they stay in their job or get another one even with better payment, but the lower people like you and me they get laid off.

The paradigm of our culture and economic picture we have been brainwashed all our lives and through our school years and still sold to us, turn out to be erroneous and the assumptions we still believe are false.

If you don’t understand the process of these things and the change we are facing in today’s economical structure you never going to experience the good things entrepreneurial business or mindset can give you. It is my contention that we are sold and brainwashed with a paradigm and a way of seeing the world that doesn’t exist or that doesn’t work anymore.

The way that our parents told us: “go, get a job and the benefits and stay there for the rest of your working life” doesn’t exist anymore. This is a complete false thinking because nowadays many companies don’t exist that long. That’s why we have to think differently and adapt ourselves to this new form of the today’s economy.

Our parents who still live with that assumption and the school teachers who still sell you and brainwash you with that assumption, because of the system they believe in and what they getting told to teach you and the system which needs still labor force believing in that old fashioned thinking.

There is still the myth and believe that you need a $200,000 investment or a ton of money to start your own business in order to grow with it, it’s long gone. In the internet era all these assumptions are false. The internet has given you the opportunity to start your own business with almost nothing or no money. In case you have no money or only little money but want to be successful and fast, you can invest your time instead. With that time investment you can grow with your business to a level you never have dreamed of. The only limits of your growth are those of your vision and dreams.

If you dream big you will achieve great things and if your dream is of small things you will achieve small things. The growing of your business depends only of the big horizon of your vision.

The world has changed a lot but even though the world has changed it’s still a challenge for many people to go out of their own even they think that they have to do it and they the strong desire to be an entrepreneur. The challenge without any doubt is big because you will run in so many obstacles the society and even government will create for you. The society doesn’t want you to have your own business and think of that revolutionizing idea of being an entrepreneur.

They want you to think the old fashioned way that only the existing companies and corporations can provide you with the benefits and everything you need for your whole life and retirement. They want to control your life and your habits as much as possible. That’s why being an entrepreneur is still a challenge for everyone who is thinking of being independent. This is also one of the reasons why many starters and newbie’s fail because they get to easy scared of all the obstacles they get confronted with. That’s one of the reasons why you need a strong desire and passion to start your own business.

To your online success

Talk to you soon

Anton Winkler

Friday, November 23, 2007

A Global Home Business Opportunity

Dear Reader and Friend

Let me ask you a few questions:

Are you live in the country side or you live in a big City?

Either way you have to commute to your work day by day. If you live in a small village than most likely the company you work for is not in your town but in another city, so you have to commute every morning to your job if you like it or not.

If you live in a big City not always there will be your job around the corner, so you have to commute to your company every morning. If your boss tells you to come on Saturday or Sunday for an urgent job so you will drive even on weekends to your work, because your job is before your family. You contribute with your earnings for your family’s lifestyle you like it or not but you have no other Joyce. If you don’t like your job there are others waiting for you to jump off and they will be happy to jump in for you.

I honestly ask you are you happy to stay away from your family whole part of the day, coming home give your kids a good night kiss because they have to rest because they have to get up early in the morning.

I know how it feels because I stood in your shoes many years back and I tell you I was happy when I took the decision to be my own boss.

If you are thinking of starting a home based business, but you are not sure where to begin than listen to this…Start your own business on a rock-solid base! Look out carefully and don’t team up with any business. Search for companies that are many years in business and have a sold base and good and worthwhile products. I recently found a business which has helped tens of thousands of men and women worldwide to build successful home businesses. They have an exceptional support and training for their members and over $400 in FREE BONUSES when signing up.

For complete information and details look up here.

To your continuous success as an entrepreneur

Talk to you soon

Anton Winkler

Thursday, November 22, 2007

This is a Genuine Income Opportunity

Dear Reader and Friend

I don’t know about you, but I sometimes prefer listen to books instead of reading them, especially when I’m short of time of when I travel.

Imagine you are traveling a few hours by plane…you don’t have to carry no books at all you just switch on your IPod or MP3 player and start to listen. When traveling in you car you even can listen to your favorite books while driving, isn’t that amazing, you don’t loose time or don’t have to wait until you are at your destiny. You might say…Anton what has this all to do with home business opportunity?...Here it comes…

I recently became a member of Leisure Audio Books and I just felt to share my opinion with you.

I tell you straight forward this is something I never have experienced before. I was really impressed to find that it is completely unique, never seen before and I’m absolutely sure this is revolutionary and I tell you why.

In my experience when you join a program, they give you some promo tools and some ads and maybe a few banners but they never say a word to you, they just expect you to go out and get customers all on your own.

This program is totally different!

First of all the products are explosive, there’s a huge selection of topics on almost every niche you can think off…and all delivered in licensed.wma or Real Format. Anyone with a computer, an IPod, or mp3 player can instantly enjoy these fine audio books, at their leisure…

Second, you don’t have to recruit or enroll people to earn nice money, you only sell these real products to real people and they will be happy to have them to listen to…

Third, the commissions they pay, are much higher then normal, and this is what I personally like most…

Fourth, it is really easy to set up a website and dominate any niche you choose or you passionate about, because the teaching is so good and you can get started fast.

Fifth, you don’t have any order filling problems, to offer a real product. Leisure Audio Book, handles everything for me. Am I not Lucky?

With Leisure Audio Books, I feel completely relaxed because I know that I offer anyone a hi quality, hi fidelity product and as I told you the diversity is astounding!

They have more than 6000 titles sorted into 160 categories. I had no idea that here are at least 50,000 identifiable niche markets for audio books that can be addressed independently in the search engines! But I know now and I’m out there selling…and I tell you it is really working!!!

Plus, I tell you it is a big relief to have the experts Rod and Kevin just an email away and knowing that they help with any problem and to help me to succeed. You feel always more tranquil to be part of a caring organization.

So, I would say it like this, if you're tired of an endless line of hype and lies, smoke and mirrors, and you'd like to start an online business and gain traction…start making a financial difference in your family's lifestyle, and besides have a legitimate, honest, real way to make money online...I would say you owe it to yourself to check out Leisure Audio Books.

You won’t believe me, but I'm a happy member, and of course I'm biased, so do a check on Rod and Kevin, and I'm positively sure you'll find out the truth is that they are for real, and these are great products that virtually sell themselves.

I recommend that you see for yourself - GO RIGHT NOW, and take in the information presented on the website:

To your continuous success

Talk to you soon

Anton Winkler

Monday, November 19, 2007

How to Advertise with a LOW BUDGET!

Dear Friend and Reader

I recently found a social Network that PAYS YOU! Yes, you read it right…PAYS YOU!

If you like many newbie’s without a “big” or “zero” Advertising Budget I highly recommend to read to the bottom.

You know when you start your own internet business in most cases is because:

  • You want to be your own Boss!
  • You are sick of your actual work-environment!
  • You hate to work for others to get rich!
  • You like to build your financial freedom!
  • You do not have enough income to meet your lifestyle!
  • You have time available to start a part time business!
  • You have no job, No money but lots of time!
  • You heard a lot of stuff about earning money on the Net!
  • You just like to open a business for fun because you are bored, you like to navigate on the Net!
  • You like to increase your Retirement Fonds!

There are so many more reasons why starting an online business…

So you are convinced to start your online business. What is your next step…you need a site so you search for a site builder service.

You have to ask yourself how much money do I have to build my site, if you don’t have enough money like many newcomers you’ll decide for a membership program where you can even build your own site without knowing the tech-stuff and best of all you can earn money every month when referring other people to that site.

You build your own site and afterwards you download your site on the Net…but with downloading your site on the internet you’ll be a guy who just put his small tree into a huge forest…but how can find people your tree in that huge forest?

You need to walk your next step and lead people (customers) to your tree (site) and that’s called traffic… and traffic are customers who will buy what you offer in case they like it.

But what happens if your Budget is too low to buy your advertisement…you’ll need some kind of free stuff to spread out your name and business to the WEB-WORLD and here comes in the site I mentioned you earlier.

If you are convinced to swim on the internet and not to sink, you will be happy to look and sign-up. The best thing is you can navigate on the net and earn money reading mails and ads. This money you can later on invest in paid advertisement and get more and more traffic to your site and I assure you, you’ll be in business within weeks and months like a sailing-boat ready to sail.

But always remember without spending some time and effort there is no business on the internet. Every business in the online or offline world needs to be taken care off.

To your online success,

Talk to you soon

Anton Winkler

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Your Private Label Internet Empire Is Here!

Dear Reader and Friend.

Not every day you are lucky to see an offer like this and I like to share this with you. I want you as a reader of my blog...have success with your online business and take advantage of every small idea and possibility to make money on the internet.

Today I want to tell you about a new site that I just came across. It's called Private Label Club and it's brought to you by Jason Oickle.

To say that I am impressed would be a major understatement. I mean, what he is offering to free members is just insane.

This is one of the very few sites that I have found lately that is literally giving away so much value to free members! Many members programs give this stuff away only for payment, but this guy really surprised me.

There really should be a monthly price tag on just the free membership alone!

Go see what I mean:

What I love the most about Private Label Club is the powerful elite membership.

Just imagine that on top of the free content, as an elite member you'll also get 300 PLR articles, 24 headers, 12 adsense sites and 3 private label ebooks. And you're going to get all that every single month like clockwork.

This is not just any old crappy content either! It's pure good content because...

Jason has a team of very talented people to make sure you get only the highest quality possible. It truly is superb, this is the only PLR-membership I will ever need.

I don't want to waste any more of your time so I urge you to click the link below and secure you're free membership before Jason decides to lock the doors forever.

Don't let someone else grab your spot!

Go now:

Thank you for your time and I will see you in the members area.

To Your Success,

Talk to you soon,

Anton Winkler

P.S. Don't let time pass by, this free membership won't last long.

Monday, November 12, 2007

AdWords Ads Now Free?

Dear Friend and Reader

There are daily news or better secondly-news on the Internet. The News on the Internet are so fast that it is impossible for you to keep up. So, what can you do…You just pick out what is of Your interest and what seems to be good for your own business, am I right? Because you have not enough time when you a part-time business owner like me or even as a full time business owner you need your Time for other stuff.

What would you say if I tell you, that you can get your AdWords free…you wouldn’t believe it…would you? BUT it’s TRUE. READ on and FIND out By YOURSELF!

A new breakthrough secret is all you need now in order to get your Google AdWords pay-per-clicks FREE!

A medical doctor from New York discovered what he calls an “oversight” on the part of 99.9% of all marketers that allows him to get otherwise paid-for advertising at Google as well as all other search engines that allow sponsored ads.

And no, nothing about his “secret” is illegal – nor does it require that you know someone on the “inside” at Google, Yahoo, MSN, Overture and others.

Instead, the New Yorker boasts proudly “…this is something that I caught onto just before 2000 when there was so much search engine craze running around, and started doing small just to test things at first … but which I later expanded on after getting the hang of it.”

This same guy went on to start and operate sixteen separate online companies selling everything from pet food, DVDs, children’s toys & games, books, software, and sold not only his own manufactured products but became an affiliate for other web businesses – all the while applying his mastermind secret.

Over the journey of nearly eight years the New Englander confesses “I’ve actually gotten over $87 million in advertising that using my secret I never had to pay for … and the largest share of which was more recently in Google pay-per-clicks as well as other forms of pad advertising at search engines … all of which I got for free …”

So powerful is his secret that he’s able to monopolize any niche online, and can always secure the top premium spots just above the usual organic results featured at most search engines.

He still has to set up an account with the search engines – but after applying his secret he is removed from having to pay for all the costs otherwise involved.

Again, nothing about his secret is either illegal or robs from the search engines.

One spokesperson from one of the most popular search engines said chuckling after being made privy to this amazing secret “Wow! Ha! This is really unique … and in my expert opinion it would only serve to enhance and bring more business to us at [name of search engine withheld for legal & confidentiality reasons] and not cause us to lose business in the slightest. Amazing!”

The northerner revealed that in this nearly eight years’ period of time since applying his secret he’s done well over $300 million in sales revenue with a most diverse line of products, and most recently in the last two years netted nearly $166 million after really “buckling down and pressing my secret to its fullest potential.”

Now to everyone else’s fortune, this city slicker is releasing his secret for getting an unlimited amount of pay-per-click ads to the general public. But he’s not promising any of us for how long. So don’t wait to long to decide if this “secret” sets the start for your new Lifestyle, and take action.

A bit of an eccentric, the gentleman says “We’ll see just how long I can make it available before it saturates things.”

One famous public web guru pointed out that although this man may gain economically more so as a result of the publication of his secret “he’s already so amazingly rich that whether he continues or discontinues its sale will neither make nor break the man, but not grabbing it for yourself while it’s still available could prove disastrous for you as you may only have one chance, and a very limited one at that, to get this.”

It is currently available at:

This site

…so you may want to head on over there now and get it.

This format is in a very easily readable language and is quickly and readily understood and mastered by anyone with even a 4th grade reading level.

While you’re there, why not scroll down and review for yourself the huge successes others are now having with this incredible breakthrough in targeted advertising now made freely available to the rest of us?

To your success,

-Anton Winkler

Saturday, November 10, 2007

How to Earn Money with a “Zero-AD-Budget”?

Dear Reader and Friend

Is your economic situation the same as many Newbie’s…Struggling, Struggling and nothing happens…spending money and you don’t walk ahead but only in circles?

Many people who start their online business have this problem and this is nothing to be ashamed off. Every business online or offline needs a certain time for the start-up some business need more time than others, it really depends on the skill of every business owner or entrepreneur but also of the capital everyone has to spend for his business.

Many Newbie’s do not have the money for their advertising budget, so what can you do with a low AD-Budget? Few people tell you what to do because everyone likes to sell and gain money but you as a newcomer in your online business what happens with you…you also like to gain money, okay you may not gain as a “guru”, but at least you can earn a little bit of the cake which is the Internet. If you do not have money or only little than start to invest in a value you have and this is time. If you do not have money than you should at least spend your time in advertising. The newcomer in the internet business without asset is always contemned to spend at least his time and this as much as he can. There are lots of choices in the Internet.

I recently did some research and found an amazing program that really fits to every newcomer in the online business; especially the ones with almost no financial resources or with very little. If you do not have financial resources to start strong with your business than its like swimming in a pool all alone with your first swim experience…you either Swim Or Sink…there is no other alternative.

The same happens with an internet business you Sink Or Swim, so with no money you have only few possibilities and there is where this program steps in and where you can join TOTALLY FREE!

Zero costs…and Discover How to Make Free Money Online!

My friend, please Stop jumping around like a frog without a pond!

But you have to take action without action there is no Treasure-Money.

You want to know what exactly that Marketing Program is all about and what you get…I’ll tell you in few seconds don’t be desperate…

In this day and rapid change of marketing online, YOU have two choices. You can choose to swim or to sink and drown in the sense of the word completely in the internet business world.

The other choice is you can decide to swim and make money. The choice is always yours therefore you must take action.

If you want to make Free Money online than go to this site and read word for word and you will see that you can climb the steps of the ladder to success as many people before you. Don’t try to fly to the top but take step by step the fall of one step back is less problematic than the fall from the top to the bottom. As they say:” Your Fail is easier, than your Success”. But don’t led you knuckle under you have everything to gain but it takes time and effort, and everything is for FREE.

To your success in your business

Take care

Anton Winkler

Direct Marketing Consultant

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

How to think like an Entrepreneur and Get Your Business Started

Dear Reader and Friend,

Have you ever asked yourself what it would be like to have your own business and be and Entrepreneur?

If you have your secure job or position you might carry that question in your mind but it takes a lot of courage to get in action to really make the move to start your own entrepreneurial career.

But if you are jobless and you can’t find a job even if you try hard to get something which gives you a certain security and a stable income you’ll find it sometimes easier to walk the necessary step to start your own business.

You know it is always harder for people who have a secure hob than for people who are jobless to start a business on their own. The questions like what can I do and how to start your own business remain always the same. You have to know what your passion is or what you are good at.

Many people struggle with that question for years, but they procrastinate and the time passes by and they never get started even though they are not happy with what they are doing in their present situation. They might be eager to escape the environment they are living or working in, but they are afraid to leave that safe net they are surrounded with, to start their own business and deal with an unsafe environment.

Some people start their business but as they see no result with it they give up or they take other opportunities and after a few months they have tried out so many different things but they stay at the same place where they started without moving forward and they get frustrated. They move only in circles. After spending months after months a lot of money they give up.

I really can understand their situation because I have experienced this lifestyle many years back when I first started my own business. You know, many people have a false opinion. They think you need a lot of money starting up your own business or maybe you need to be a marketing genius, but this is all wrong because you don’t have to succeed on a level of a big company. You just have to succeed on your own.

You simply need enough cash flow to pay your bills. Once you achieve that first milestone, once you have that cash flow for your business and a little bit extra for your lifestyle, after that all these opportunities unfold and come in a way that you never would have guessed. But nothing of that comes without optimism. You need to focus your mind to that optimism, otherwise you are contemned to fail, but you will ask me: “what do I need to have that optimism?” I only can tell you, you need a certain portion of passion. Without passion for your business you’ll have a hard time to succeed or you will fail as many do.

Everything you start or practice try to develop a passion for it and you’ll work with more enthusiasm and more positive thinking. In that way you’ll get faster over the bad and hard times.

You know, in your business, as any other professional activity there are bad things and good things that can happen to you. You have to take that risk and try to manage it as well as you can. This type of risk is called risk management; in most cases you can set the level to which you can manage the bad things that happen to you.

As soon as you get out there on your own and leave that safety net that always surrounded you, you will be overwhelmed by all the good things that happen to you. As soon as you recognize the good things and accept them, you’ll see your business succeed.

Talk to you soon

Anton Winkler

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Important Announcement for your Health

Dear Reader and Friend,

If you are familiar with the name Paul Chek he is a giant in the world of health and fitness. If you care for your health you should be on that call...if not don't waste your time.

He’s helped a lot of people all around the globe to improve their outlook on life and their overall sense of well-being.

I like to announce for this week an opportunity to hear Paul Chek live on a very special Audio Motivation Live!

Take the chance to hear this person in live on Wednesday at 8pm Eastern time.

Click here for all the info on that call:

Or just jot down this phone number and access code in your date book:

Phone number: 218-486-3694

Access code: 482092#

Make a note in your calendar for this date Wednesday Nov.7 at 8pm Eastern Time

See you on the call

To your Success and Health

Anton Winkler

Saturday, November 3, 2007

AdWords Ads Now Free?

Dear Reader and Friend

If you are interested in knowing how to get ADWORDS Ads for free than read the complete article. You know that you need publish your site to get your page seen from thousands and thousands of visitors. When you get noticed with your site and visitors what does that mean…Yes, that means money…correct and that is what you need to get in order to make money…VISITORS!!!

A new breakthrough secret is all what you need now in order to get your Google AdWords pay-per-clicks FREE!

A gentleman from New York discovered what he names an “oversight” on the part of 99.9% of all marketers. This allows him to get otherwise paid-for advertising at Google as well as other search engines that allow sponsored ads.

And by the way, nothing about his “secret” is illegal – nor does it require that you know someone on the “inside” at Google, Yahoo, Overture and many others.

The New Yorker boasts proudly “…this is something that I caught onto just before 2000 when there was so much search engine craze running around, and started doing small just to test things at first … but which I later expanded on after getting the hang of it.”

This same guy went on to start and operate sixteen separate online companies selling everything from pet food, DVDs, children’s toys & games, books, software, and sold not only his own manufactured products but became an affiliate for other web businesses – all the while applying his mastermind secret.

Over the course of nearly eight years the New Englander confesses “I’ve actually gotten over $87 million in advertising that using my secret I never had to pay for … and the largest share of which was more recently in Google pay-per-clicks as well as other forms of paid advertising at search engines … all of which I got for free …”

So powerful is his secret that he’s able to monopolize any niche at the internet, and can always secure the top premium spots above the usual organic results featured at almost every search engine.

He still has to set up an account with the search engines – but after applying his secret he is removed from having to pay for all the costs which are otherwise involved.

And again, nothing about his secret is either illegal or robs from the search engines.

One spokesperson from one of the most popular search engines said chuckling after being made privy to this amazing secret “Wow! Ha! This is really unique … and in my expert opinion it would only serve to enhance and bring more business to us and not cause us to lose business in the slightest. Amazing!”

The northerner revealed that in this nearly eight years’ period of time since applying his secret he’s done well over $300 million in sales revenue with a most diverse line of products, and most recently in the last two years netted nearly $166 million after really “buckling down and pressing my secret to its fullest potential.”

Now to everyone else’s fortune, that city slicker is releasing his secret for getting an unlimited amount of pay-per-click ads to the general public. But he’s not promising any of us for how long that will be.

A bit of an eccentric, the gentleman says “We’ll see just for how long I can make it available to the public before it saturates things.”

One famous public web guru pointed out that although this man may gain economically more so as a result of the publication of his secret “he’s already so amazingly rich that whether he continues or discontinues its sale will neither make nor break the man, but not grabbing it for yourself while it’s still available could prove disastrous for you as you may only have one chance, and a very limited one at that, to get his secret.

…so you may want to head on over there now and get it.

It’s in a very easily readable format and is quickly and readily understood and mastered by anyone with even a 4th grade reading level.

While you’re there, why not scroll down and review for yourself the huge successes others are now having with this incredible breakthrough in targeted advertising now made freely available to the rest of us?

Take action now and go to this site and find out by yourself.

To your success,

-Anton Winkler-

Friday, October 26, 2007

Now Anyone Can Get Free Advertising

Dear Reader and Friend,

I know it and it repeats all the time whenever you start your own part-time business or your full-time business, I’ve gone through and I’m not ashamed.

You and I we are not born rich and you have to struggle to get your money because you are still working on a full time job and do your online business part time…I know it’s tough because you do not have the money to spend because you still have not made any money with your part time business and the cost on advertising is too much for you.

But you also know as well as I do that you need to promote your site otherwise how you will get traffic to your site. How can someone find your site in the jungle of Billions of sites?

As you know some of the best ways to get traffic to your site is through the search engines. And as you know search engines love blogs.

If you know how to use blogs you can easily get more traffic to your website just by posting your keywords in the title and having your blogs indexed.

Other ways to get traffic to your site is to use popular free traffic exchanges. They come in many forms such as start (homepage) exchanges, safelists (opt in email ads), toolbar ads such as and forums such as the free advertising forum. There are many of ways out there to get you noticed. If you are short of money but you like to get your site noticed you have to invest your time.

If you are looking to kill 2 birds with one stone, you can advertise for free on a new BLOG that actually allows you to place your ads for free on their site.

The reason this is good because you get all the benefits of placing your ads on a BLOG and you all get to advertise for free.

Most people would look at this as a no brainer. Although most webmaster do not like people to advertise on the blogs, this site was made just for that.

It is free to join and thousands are flocking to this service to drive huge traffic to their sites in ju8st days by simply posting one little ad on their home page.

Anyone looking to increase their profits should look in to

Talk to you soon and to your online success

Anton Winkler

Saturday, October 6, 2007

What if Your Dream comes True…

Dear Friend and Reader,

Today I decided to send you something different to marketing, although you should consider these words in your daily business and in your daily life...

I have come up with a mail today that really gets me thinking and besides every business we are involved with, besides everyday-life problems, besides our forgetting everything around us and only looking to ourselves…should we not think a bit more about the environment we live in…about our neighbor…about our elder people who are around us, think about the sick people which have no cure at least at the moment. We only can think of that some day not far away all the people will have a cure for their diseases.

Imagine a world where everything can be healed, wouldn’t that be nice…you never should stop dreaming it…because everything you dream of very strongly…will occur some day.

That’s why I decided to share with you my dear reader and friend the below poem and maybe you will also take part of the better world and join people with the same ideology and mindset…only than we will achieve in our world what we have dreamed of…A Better World.


Below is a wonderful poem quoted by Audrey Hepburn many times & written by Sam Levenson that I wanted to share with you. It speaks volumes about kindness.

For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.

For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.

For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.

For beautiful hair, let a child run his/her fingers through it once a day.

For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone...

People, even more than things, have to be restored,

Renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed;

Never throw out anyone.

Remember, if you ever need a helping hand,

You will find one at the end of each of your arms.

As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands;

one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others.

If you like to know more about this wonderful projectkindness which is going big on the internet, please don't forget to visit projectkindness right now.

Talk to you soon.

Anton Winkler

P.S. By the way if you live your life up to that words, I will assure you that within a not so long time you will contribute to an environment where everyone likes to live in...but you have to take action than the others will follow and be inspired too. Don't forget visit projectkindness now.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Advertising The Key-Word To Home Business Success

Dear Reader,

There is no question about it that advertising is the key-word to the success of any business – small or large, old or new. No business can succeed or last long without advertising and marketing practices. To ensure long-term and lasting success, a business must engage in marketing and advertising in some way. You know or you might have heard the old adage that “it takes money to make money” that means, that advertising is not for free. Every business must consider an advertising campaign budget to keep it at the top.

Word of Mouth Advertising

Naturally the best form of advertising is word of mouth advertising. The word of mouth advertising is free and can only be influenced though the good service of the company. This type of advertising is the most effective way to build up the best credibility for the business or business owner. The word of mouth advertising comes from happy and satisfied customers and clients that wish to share their positive experience with other people. Most of the time, they tell their friends, family, and coworkers about their experience with the service or with a particular product and help bringing new customers to the business. This advertising is very effective for every type of business meantime the quality of the product and the service of the business is kept as a priority. On the other hand the word of mouth advertising can also be fatal or deadly when product quality or the quality of the service change or don’t meet the expectation or the satisfaction of the customers.

While word of mouth is one of the most effective and free way to get the word spread about a business, it is not the “be all end all” of advertising. Television spots, radio spots, on billboards and in print advertising are still besides the online marketing a very effective way to get the business, product or service out to the public. These methods of advertising are naturally not very cheap and therefore not as realistic and doable for most of the small businesses.

Online Advertising

A more economical and yet a more effective way for a business to advertise is online. The Internet is such an integral part of daily life now that it is hard not to advertise on the World Wide Web. The ways in which a business can advertise online are seemingly endless and in most of the cases free. There are several types of email marketing campaigns, banner advertising, link advertising, websites, and viral marketing. The more a business owner gets involved by reading and collecting information about advertising, the more information about free advertising he gets.

Usually, to engage in a successful email marketing campaign, a business will send past customers an email to announce new products or specials or new services on their website or in their retail store.


Many business owners engage in strategic networking with other business owners in an effort to advertise their businesses for free. Strategic networking is a way for business owners to meet each other, get the word out about their company, and even to expand their resources and business prospects. In the online business there are also free advertising methods through Forums leaving your signature on posts you submit. You can become easy a member of a Forum community and start posting about discussions of your interest or passion or your expertise.

Social Networking

One of the newest ways to get the word spread out to future customers about your business and successfully advertise is that through social networking. Social networking is much like strategic networking in that it is usually free and occurs through meeting and discussing issues and products. However, social networking is done through modern media such as websites, blogs, and the Internet community. It is highly effective and inexpensive.

Regardless of the method of advertising used, without constant advertising and it doesn’t matter which type or form of advertising you use, there is no way to maintain a business successful. You have to keep your image, your name o your business in the eyes of the public.

Talk to you soon

Anton Winkler

Thursday, September 6, 2007

How Can You Build A List Of Subscribers To Your Site

Today I read an edition from one of the best Internet Marketers Matt Bacak.

According to Matt there are 5 List Building Strategies to get traffic to your site:

These top lists are:

# 1 Joint Ventures

#2 Article writing

#3 Search Engine Traffic

#4 Advertising

#5 Press Releases

Joint Venture

This is the number one to build your list through email Joint Ventures. A Joint Venture Email is when two list owners or list builders agree to introduce each other to their lists.

That means I would send out an email talking about you and say, “Hey look, he or she’s got this great newsletter or great tips and great information. Go here and sign-up for the information.”

At the same time you would send out an email to your list talking about me. That’s the number one best way that he found out to build your list. Here’s why. It’s a massive referral. You find someone with a big list. Or the best way is when you have other list owners and group leaders that are in your niche with a list that is related to yours. You have them send out an email about information you have. You send out an email in return, you can do a trade as an example. You send an email out to your list and tell them about me and I’ll send out an email telling to my list about you and the information you have.

Article writing

The second best way he has found out is Article writing. Article writing in some way can go viral. When writing articles you should write about 300 to 700 words articles and get them out there. Submit to every place you can find on the Internet and there are a lot of them where you can submit it to. For example is one. When you submit your article is important to have a link back to your main site or your Power Squeeze page. When someone put your article to their web site they have to keep everything the way that you had it. If someone likes the article they will click on the link at the bottom and go to your page. Sometimes people will put your article with good content to their newsletter or their e-zine, or their blog or even web-site. They have to put your article the same way as it is and this way your article becomes viral.

Search Engine Traffic

The third way to build your list is according to Matt through traffic from search engines.

You can have paid traffic or free traffic. The paid traffic is through pay for clicks or pay-per-click. Free traffic is mostly through search results. When searching for example on you have on the right hand side ads that you can click on. Those are paid traffic, the advertiser’s pay-per-click. On the left hand side there is the free traffic. The people click on your link which is totally free and are sent directly to your page. The more clicks you get the higher you will rank with your site in search engine results. That’s why Search Engine Traffic is a good way to build your list.


When you build up your list through advertising you can advertise in other people’s newsletter, or on other people’s web sites. So when people click on your link they will go directly to your squeeze page and you can let them sign up and capture their information. You also can use small banner ads on other sites and have people go to you site and sign-up. This is a huge market and you can benefit from it through this type of advertising and build your list.

Press Release

Another way to advertise your business is through Press Releases. Through this advertising your article will get into the hands of the media and your public. This type of Press Releases is not like the old ones where you send a printed letter of fax it or mail it to the media. This is a service where you get directly contact to an online newswire service. For example you can sign-up with

When you submit your article to the newswire service, they distribute your article to their contacts like journalists, analysts, freelance writers, media outlets, newsrooms and media web sites and to syndication network. There are tenth of thousands of contacts where your article goes to. It doesn’t matter where you send your article to make always sure that you link back to your page and get the information from the customer to send him afterwards more information.

Anton Winkler

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